Olympus D-R .MP Digital Camera - Olympus

Olympus D340R
Olympus D-340R 1.2MP Digital Camera
by Olympus
Platform:    Windows NT / 98 / 2000 / NT 3.5 / NT 4 / NT 5 / Me / XP / 2000 Server, Mac, PowerMac, Mac OS X, Mac OS 9 and below
4.5 out of 5 stars(82)

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Olympus D340R 1.3 Megapixel Digital Camera with 8- MB SmartMedia card, flash, LCD, and optical viewfinder.

Filmless digital camera, 1280X960 resolution w/1.31 megapixel CCD. All glass lens, 2x telephoto mode, 4 mode flash, 4" to 20" macro mode. Sequence mode allows you to shoot up to 10 photos in 1/2 second intervals. Save files in industry standard JPEG format for easy use w/computers. Download shots directly to a computer using the included serial cable. Instantly connect to a VCR or camera for viewing.